Home Personal Injury
What is an Intentional Tort in Tort Law?

What is an Intentional Tort in Tort Law?

If you have been harmed in any way by someone else, whether they intended to harm you or not, you may have been the victim of what is called in Massachusetts law a “tort”. It is important to know something about torts if you have been hurt in any way by someone else...

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Uninsured Drivers in Massachusetts

As the summer heats up and COVID restrictions lift, people are hitting the road for the first in over a year. More drivers on the road, unfortunately, results in more car accidents. The aftermath and the insurance claims process is scary and complex. It is especially...

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What to Do After a Car Accident in Massachusetts

What to Do After a Car Accident in Massachusetts

A car accident is everyone's worst nightmare––wrecked automobiles and mangled lives. More than 4,500 people in Massachusetts are seriously injured or killed in car accidents every year.  A car accident can be an extremely traumatic experience for everyone...

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